Ikebana originated with Ikenobo, beginning in Kyoto, Japan, as a Buddhist floral offering. Passed down through generations of the Ikenobo family and from teacher to student, Ikenobo has spread throughout Japan and around the world. We invite you to begin by contacting an Ikenobo teacher. Discovery and enjoyment await as Ikenobo’s principles suggest new possibility in the beauty of floral material in your own country. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.
The Chicago Chapter is one of hundreds worldwide that study and teach the art of Japanese flower arranging, Kado, as taught by the Ikenobo School of Kyoto, Japan. In 2013, we celebrate our 550th year of written history and 1,000 years of oral tradition.The Chicago Chapter was founded over 50 years ago by Senior Professor Ikka Nakashima. She is the second woman ever to receive the highest honor given outside the Imperial family, The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays. The Emperor of Japan personally presented her with this award in Tokyo for her tireless service in promoting Japanese arts and culture.